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Deer Lake Association
A member of the Minnesota Lakes Association

ICE-IN: 2018

Nov 18:

Ice-In this year began with an extended ice shelf out to the dropoff.

Nov 20:

After a clam cold night the northern Sherwood Bay turned to ice with driven snow fluries.


Early (almost) Ice-In on Deer Lake

But there is still some open water out by Christmas  Point


Days of southerly wind and warm have compromised the frozen part of Sherwood Bay on Deer Lake.  A patch of thin ice has moved up around Christmas Point, displacing where the open water had been earlier.  This thin sheet had become detached from the main body of ice from the north shore by a northerly wind. There is open water visible both past the point, and in the middleground. The ice sheet on the north shore (foreground) continues to melt out. 

No Ice-In till the wind stops blowing!

Don't go out yet!!!

November 28

Deer Lake woke up singing its whale songs this morning.


at least in the northern part of Deer Lake (Sherwood Bay), but still some open water over by Oklahoma Hill.  


November 29

Another Ice-In failure on Deer Lake. 

After the north-western half of the lake froze over, a large open hole in the middle opened up after some snow.  A one-day skate in Kocemba Bay was reported, but now closed due to snow cover.


November 29-December 5

Continued Ice-In failure on Deer Lake. 

Nothing has changed except a better photo-op. 

After the north-eastern half of the lake froze over, a large hole of open water broke though in the middle of the lake after some snow. Remnants of snow-coved ice can be seen on the extensive shelf from the foreground-out, and to the left (east) of the open water in the middle. 

 A one-day skate in Kocemba Bay was reported, but now closed due to snow cover.


December 6

Ice almost In again, after the big open water in the middle froze overnight, but leaving several smaller open patches, one of which seen here near Christmas Point.

Very cold temps tonight (6th) should yield success by the morning(?)

December 7, 2018