DLA Bear Island Trail Maintenance
June xx – Friday 9:00 AM
July xx – Friday 9:00 AM
August x – Friday 9:00 AM
(In the event of rain – meet the following Saturday)
Coordinated again this year by Paul Askegaard: 651-230-3361; askeupnorth@gmail.com
Bear Island was donated to the State of MN by DLA, who purchased it with donations from lake residents plus State matching funds. Once a month during the summer, DLA members spend about 1 hour keeping the walking trail open and removing trash. RSVP not necessary, just arrive on the south end of the Island at 9am on the scheduled day. If conditions are questionable, call Paul at 651-230-3361. Please volunteer, especially if we have had a bad storm during the month. Bring gloves, wear long pants and bug spray, and bring any equipment you have: gloves, chain saw, clippers, loppers, picaroon, small hand saw, garbage bag, and BUG SPRAY!. Paul will provide coffee/donuts.
Hope to see you there!
IF QUESTIONS, call Paul at 651-230-3361 askeupnorth@gmail.com