
The Deer Lake Association was first organized in 1991, motivated by an inappropriate development nearby.  This was the Polaris Project, a large camp for wayward youth on Long Lake near the Amen ski trails.  The plan was averted and the parcels transferred into the Wabu Woods Scientific and Natural Area.  Attempts to organize the Deer Lake area into a township failed at this time, partially due the the fact that the lake overlaps into 3 different established townships: that of Deer River (to the west) and two Unorganized townships, the 57-26 (north-east bulk of lake) and the 56-26 (southern shore with Bass Lake to the south).
Deer Lake Association Meeting Minutes 7/13/91
The meeting was called to order by Dave Gulsvig at 10:15 am at Camp Sherwood. Dave gave some background on why a lake association is important. We are trying to get names of interested lakeshore residents; he requested that people complete the information form so we could have background on the location of Deer Lake residents and their interests.
Sue Saner reported on the Polaris project. She reported that the project had received $63,000 from Dairyland Electric to develop a feasibility study. Residents’ letters were useful in turning the project back. But, Polaris group is still to establish a project at a different location.
Don Marier reported on the Long Lake area. The land donated to the Nature Conservancy by Abby Grey, some 90 acres, has been transferred to the DNR Scientific and Natural Areas program. This land is adjacent to the tax forfeit land on Long Lake. Three options are considered for this land:

  1. Memorial Forest designation (county)
  2. DNR Scientific & Natural Area
  3. put a Conservation easement on the land
    There was a separate meeting on this after the general meeting.
    Dave Gulsvig addresses current concerns of residents:
    a. Dogs running loose on shoreline- not allowed in the summer;
    b. Fish population/DNR stocking program
    c. Bird nesting facilities
    d. Litter on Bear Island/adopt an island program
    e. Security system for members
    f. water quality monitoring
  4. Dick Williams will develop a proposed set of by-laws. By-laws gathered from other associations will be sent to him as background information.
  5. Dues are needed for mailings to get information out. Don Marier has checked other associations and suggests $25/year per family. We should aim at collecting dues at the August 24th meeting.
  6. Sue Sauer and Carol Erickson make up the nominating committee. The temporary slate of officers is:
    President: Dave Gulsvig
    Co-Chairman: Max Herboldt
    Secretary: Abby Marier
    Treasurer: Ginny Johnston
  7. Permanent Officers will be elected in August or later. A Directory needs to be developed.
    People were encouraged to invite their neighbors and also people from Amen and Moose Lake to the next meeting, if they wish to join.
    Copies of the Itasca County Currents were distributed and members were encouraged to submit their names to receive free copies of future mailings.
  8. Minutes submitted by temporary secretary Ginny Johnston
Deer Lake Association